
Archive for the ‘Amber’ Category

Hayne’s White ^10 fired at ^6 –Cara Joy De Celles

February 8, 2012 Leave a comment


Hayne’s White

Nepheline Syenite 45
Silica 30
Whiting 8
Dolomite 10
Talc 7

(Because this was under fired it may not be food safe, please test or have tested for safeness before using on a surface in which food comes in contact with.  Thank you.)


Amber Ash cone 7 — Robbie Bell

February 7, 2012 Leave a comment

Amber Ash

RedArt 27%
OM-4 20%
Bone Ash 5%
Stontium 12%
Dolomite 24%
Gers Borate 10%
Lithium 2%


Amber Celedon ^10 –Ruth Drewery

August 11, 2011 Leave a comment

Alberta Slip 33

Wollastonite 13

Epk Kaolin 3

Gertsley Borate 3

Whiting 7

Silica 13

Custer Feldspar 20

Ocher 8

Tortoise Shell ^6 ox –clay times

Tortoise Shell

Cone 6


A transparent, shiny brown glaze with luscious amber. Best on light clay bodies.

Whiting 3.91%

Dolomite 13.05

Flint 30.01

Lithium Carbonate 3.26

EPK 22.18

Frit 3124 27.59

TOTAL: 100.00%

add: Red Iron Oxide 11.75%

Bentonite 2.00%

Temmoku ^6 ox –Libby Hoffmann

March 24, 2011 3 comments


Libby Hoffmann Temmoku

Silica 25

 EPK 16.7

 Neph Sy 16.7

 GB 8.3

 Dolomite 8.3

 Talc 8.3


Bone ash 6.7,

RIO 10.

I dipped and brushed, dipping was best.

WBB Agave Honey –Mary Baugh

March 17, 2011 Leave a comment